Source: Pexels

Achieving the perfect family home doesn’t need to be all practical, nor does it need to be all about the kids! You can create an aesthetically pleasing space that reflects your personality and the way your family lives while ensuring it is still functional. 

From storage ideas to furniture selection, here are six tips that will ensure your home can handle the demands of daily life and still remain beautiful and stylish.


Embrace easy living

A easy living family room

Source: Pinterest

Let’s face it, when you’ve had kids there is no time to fluff up cushions, dust around tiny accessories and photo frames, and primp up your curtains.  When it comes to styling your family home, easy living is the way to go.  

Think timber coffee tables over glass that attracts small finger prints and exposed sofa legs rather than the classic skirts.  Opt for a causal, yet modern look that offers low-maintenance but will still keep your home looking stylish.


Choosing the right floorings

A polished epoxy floor in white may look uber stylish in design magazine, but it will show every bit of food that is dropped and every crayon mark.  Choose a floor finish that is durable and easy to clean with a damp mop.  Hardwood floors in a non-skid finish, stone tiles, cork or linoleum can work well in a family home bringing continuity throughout the space.  

Carpet is lovely and soft for little people’s hands and feet and depending on the fibre type, it can be very durable.  Stick with darker tones and patterns that doesn’t show up every spill and opt for stain protection.


Don’t scrimp on furniture 

Jasper with xavier painting

Jasper sofa range available from Urban Rhythm

Have small people in your home and your armchair will act as a trampoline from time to time. Your sofa cushions will be used to make a forte and your coffee table may turn into a craft zone. While it might be tempting to fill your home with cheapo furniture until your children mature, it’s also more likely to suffer under wear and tear looking battered and bruised very quickly. 

A well-made sofa upholstered in hardy fabric will hold up under the pressures and abuse. Solid timber verses laminated wood is less likely to chip around the edges.  Choose quality furniture that is designed to last and your home will remain stylish while reducing your landfill!


Mount your TV up

Mounted TV in family room

Source: Desire to Inspire

That shiny, expensive flat screen TV beckons little sticky fingers to touch it all over.  So unless you want to be constantly wiping its surface mount your TV at a higher level instead of placing it on an entertainment unit.  

What you spend on a mounting plate and installation, you’ll save on spray and wipe!


Get savvy about your storage


Flinders buffet Exclusively at Urban Rhythm

More people equals more clutter and unfortunately it can be unavoidable in a family home. However, that doesn’t mean you need to trip over shoes, bags and toys to just get in your front door or sit amongst piles of homework and books at the dining table. 

You need to get a little savvy about your storage. In the living room, choose a coffee table that has drawers or allows you to put toy boxes underneath. In the hall, install hooks and incorporate a hall tall that has storage or room for baskets below. In the bedroom, use the bed for additional storage and convert the bottom of the wardrobe into a toy bin.


Select durable upholstery

No matter how hard you try food and sticky fingers have a way of showing up on your upholstery in a family home. Opting for durable fabrics is a no brainer, but thankfully you don’t need to sacrifice style. 

Synthetic fabrics or fabric blends are often more practical on furniture pieces that are going to receive a lot of use, like the family room sofa. Leather can also be easy to maintain when you have young kids. Whatever you decide ensure you read up on how to best care for your furniture before you let your kids take over!



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