Magic Rug in Linen at Urban Rhythm

Choosing the right rug can make or break your interior space. Go too small and it can look awkward, choose the wrong colour and you may end up with a space that gives you a headache! While it sounds tricky, selecting a rug is easier than you think when you know what to look out for. When selecting the dimensions of your rug, a helpful guideline is to ensure it is longer than the length of your sofa.  In terms of width, an ideal placement involves the rug extending beneath at least 1/3 of the sofa.

What size will best suit my room? 

Size is often the best place to start when it comes to choosing the right rug. Ideally your rug is going to fit the size of your seating area and frame your furniture.

For a living room, it’s best to have all the furniture on the rug or at least the front legs of your sofa. If you don’t have the floor space, keep it consistent by placing all of your furniture legs off and instead use the rug as an accent. For a dining room, it’s nice to be able to move your chairs back and still have the legs remain on the rug. In the bedroom, as a general rule you should position your rug from the bottom 2/3 and extend it out to the sides and end. 

Don’t forget to take into account the orientation of your room. A rectangular space looks best with a rectangular rug positioned in the same direction, whereas a square room would better suit a round or square rug.


Which material should I choose?

Rugs are available in all sorts of materials from natural woven fibres like jute, to lush thick wool rugs. While it’s ideal to choose the best feeling rug, as rugs are a big investment it’s vital you consider the amount of traffic your space will be receiving.

A hallway with high traffic is better suited to a durable, hard-wearing material whereas your bedrooms aren’t going to receive the same amount of heavy wear. Ask yourself, will the raised pile become a tripping hazard? Is it easy to clean? Will it create the warmth and look I am seeking? 


Natural rugs made form sisal, jute or seagrass are also durable making them great in high-traffic areas. These tend to come in more neutral palette or are dyed a colour and are usually very affordable. 


Most of the rugs at Urban Rhythm are hand loomed and 100% wool. These rugs are beautiful texture and quality. 


Tufted wool rugs are a great way to introduce warmth, luxury and subtle texture to your space. These tend to last longer in spaces where there isn’t as much traffic, limiting the wear and tear.

Should I go with a pattern or solid colour?

The pattern and colour of your rug plays a major role in tying the space altogether. Neutrals can act as a canvas for the rest of your interior’s décor, whereas pops of colour and pattern can become the feature of your room.

Urban Rhythm: Silvio Floor Rug in Dijon

If your interior is already filled with a lot of colour from the artwork, cushions, or furniture, stick with a neutral shade or a solid colour that complements the larger furniture pieces of your space. Texture like the Silvio rug is a great way to add luxury and style to a room. If you have a pattern in the rug, to avoid a clash, pick out the second most dominant colour in the rug and match it to your sofa.  

Colour and pattern can be daunting for many, but a rug is a way you can be playful and add a pop of personality to your interior.  So go on, be a little brave!



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Tagged: Rugs


Love the rug in the dinning table picture. Would like to know who sells the rug.

— Roula